
The Easy, Affordable, and Effective Way to Get Your Business Live Streaming By the End of the Day!
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Who is this for?
  • Dance studios
  • Karate schools
  • Yoga studios
  • Barre studios
  • Martial arts schools
  • Music schools
  • Personal trainers
  • Gym owners
  • Health club owners
  • Gymnastics schools
  • Self-defense instructors
  • Nutritionists
  • Weight loss coaches
  • First aid trainers
  • Psychotherapists
  • Counselors
  • Tutors
  • Private school teachers
  • Preschool owners
  • School administrators
  • Art instructors
  • Piano teachers
  • Guitar teachers
  • Musicians
  • Meditation instructors
  • Life coaches
  • Churches
  • Youth groups
  • Small groups
  • Bible study groups
  • Ministries
  • Social workers
  • Business consultants
  • Business trainers
  • Business coaches
  • Student advisors
  • Tax preparers
  • Bookkeepers
  • Translators
  • Financial planners
  • Insurance Agents
  • Travel agents
  • Wedding planners
  • Event planners
  • Marketers
  • PR Agencies
  • Designers
  • Book clubs
  • And many more!


    Only $147

    (Introductory special only until April 30th, 2020!)

    Click the order button below to gain instant access:

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    Dear Friend,

    If you're like me, you may have recently found yourself in a situation where you or your business needs to start live streaming.

    My wife and I own a dance studio, and circumstances required that we start live streaming our classes for a period of time.

    Thankfully, I've been doing business online since 1999, and creating educational videos for the Internet since 2007. So when we found ourselves in this predicament, we knew what to do.

    However, as I began to set up our own business for live streaming, a few things occurred to me...

    1) There is a lot of confusing and conflicting information out there about how to start live streaming.

    2) If I didn't have the knowledge that I had, I could have wasted a ton of time and money on this project.

    3) There are millions of other businesses out there who could use my help in this situation.

    So that's what I've done...

    I've put together the Live Streaming Blueprint to help YOU or your business get streaming.

    But not only do I want to help you start streaming, I want to help you do it...


    Time is money, right? It's the only resource we can never get more of in life. When it comes to business, time is of the essence. I don't want you to waste days or weeks getting set up. I want you to be able to start by the end of TODAY, or tomorrow at the latest. So that's what I'm showing you in the Live Streaming Blueprint.

    I'm also well aware that most people aren't technology experts. Sure, you know how to use the Internet, but if you were a live streaming guru, you wouldn't be on this page right now. You need simple solutions that are EASY to set up. So in the Live Streaming Blueprint, I've focused on solutions that you can implement even if you have no technical expertise.

    Lastly, I know that small businesses don't have unlimited resources. To the contrary, you need to make sure you are minding your budget, and making the most wise decisions with your purchases. That's why I've focused on solutions that are FREE or cheap, and the Live Streaming Blueprint itself is also very affordable.

    If you want to start streaming quickly, easily, and affordably, the Live Streaming Blueprint is for you.

    Live Streaming Blueprint

    The course contains 8 step-by-step lessons with easy-to-follow videos, where I show you exactly how to do this.

    I used our dance studio as an example, so if you have any sort of "active" business or educational service where your customers need to SEE you, these demonstrations will be especially helpful. If your business is even more "simple", such as a business consultant that normally sits across a table from clients, or meets in a coffee shop, it will be even easier for you, because you won't have to worry about the logistics of videoing active movement.

    So regardless of what kind of business you have, if you need to start live streaming, this is for you.

    Not only am I going to show you how to get set up and live streaming, I'm also going to explain several ways that you can generate additional revenue with your live streaming.

    Over the years, I've helped thousands of people start and grow their online businesses. That's why I'm devoting one of the lessons in the Live Streaming Blueprint to monetization methods, and I'll show you 11 ways to make money with your live stream.

    Plus when you join today, you'll also receive access to three bonus courses designed to help you generate income online...

    BONUS #1: Digital Sales Blueprint ($197.00 Value)
    Contains 13 lessons taking you through the full process of building an online business selling digital products and services, such as the live stream that you'll be creating.

    BONUS #2: Online Business Systemization Course ($97.00 Value)
    This course contains 7 lessons showing you how to harness the power of the Internet to automate many tasks in your business, which is going to save you both time and money.

    BONUS #3: Online Membership Crash Course ($97.00 Value)
    I've made millions of dollars with online memberships, and now you're going to have the opportunity to set up your own online membership and create a new income stream for your business.

    When you add up the value of the bonuses alone ($391.00), you'll see that they're more valuable than the entire cost of joining the Live Streaming Blueprint today.

    By the way, when you join, you'll receive instant access to the membership area, even if its 2AM.

    You'll be able to start going through the Live Streaming Blueprint immediately, and you'll have ongoing access to the members area, so you can return to it any time you want.

    I just took a full week to put this together for you, during a very busy and crazy time for our business and family (my wife and I have 6 kids too). So I think you'll understand why I'm not just giving it away for free. At the same time, I want this to help everyone who needs it, so I've priced it very low.

    Considering the value of the time I took to make this, and more importantly, the value of the time its going to SAVE you, I could have priced it at $997. But like I said, I want to help as many people as possible.

    Therefore, you can access all of this right now, for a very affordable one-time fee.


    Only $147

    (Introductory special only until April 30th, 2020!)

    Click the order button below to gain instant access:

    click here to order

    I'm offering a 30 day money back guarantee, so your investment today is risk free.

    Go ahead and join now for instant access to the Live Streaming Blueprint, and the 3 bonus courses.

    I look forward to helping you succeed with this... quickly, easily, and affordably!

    All the best,


    P.S. - Remember, there's a lot of confusing information out there. You could spend days and weeks trying to figure out which information you can trust, only to end up going down the wrong path... OR, you could get access to my Live Streaming Blueprint today and save a lot of time and frustration. The choice is yours!

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